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The Listening Leader: How to Build a Culture of Trust and Empowerment With Kyle Gillette. Entrepreneur MBA 10.1

Entrepreneur MBA Podcast

Becoming a listening leader and fostering a culture of trust and empowerment involves active listening skills, empathetic communication, and deliberate actions demonstrating your commitment to your team’s well-being and growth. By consistently practicing these principles, you can create an organizational culture where trust and empowerment flourish, ultimately leading to improved morale, creativity, and performance. In today’s podcast, Kyle Gillette from Blue Shirt Coaching and Steven Halasnik from Financing Solutions discuss “The Listening Leader: How to Build a Culture of Trust and Empowerment.”

Building a Culture Of Trust And Empowerment Through Listening

In leadership, one quality that stands out as indispensable is the ability to listen. For some reason, many people, including business leaders, find it challenging to listen. In today’s business world, leaders prioritizing active and empathetic listening are more effective and better at fostering a culture of trust and empowerment within their companies. This article discusses the art of being a listening leader and offers insights into building a culture that thrives on trust and empowerment.

The Power of Listening

You must understand that listening is not merely hearing words; it’s about understanding, empathizing, and connecting with your team on a deeper level. Listening leaders recognize that they don’t have all the answers and that the collective wisdom of their team members is invaluable. Here’s why listening is a game-changer:

Fosters Trust: When leaders actively listen to their team members, it demonstrates that they value their opinions and perspectives. This trust forms the foundation of a healthy work environment.

Strengthens Relationships: Effective listening strengthens the leader-follower relationship. It creates a sense of openness, making it easier for team members to approach their leaders with concerns, ideas, and feedback.

Enhances Problem Solving: By listening attentively, leaders can better understand the challenges their team faces. This insight is invaluable when finding creative solutions and making informed decisions.

Promotes Innovation: In a culture where listening is encouraged, team members are more likely to contribute innovative ideas and take calculated risks, knowing their voices are heard and valued.

Boosts Employee Engagement: Listening leaders create an environment where employees feel more engaged and motivated, increasing productivity and job satisfaction.

Steps to Becoming a Listening Leader

Set the Example

Actions they say speak louder than words. As a leader, your behavior sets the tone for the entire organization. Hence, you must make a conscious effort to actively listen during meetings, one-on-one discussions, and team interactions. Show that listening is a core value. 

This is to say that, during meetings and discussions, you must put away distractions and focus on the speaker. Maintain eye contact to show that you are fully engaged. Avoid interrupting or prematurely offering solutions; allow others to express themselves completely. Provide verbal and non-verbal cues, such as nodding or paraphrasing, to confirm that you are actively listening. You encourage your team to adopt similar listening practices by consistently modeling these behaviors.

Create Safe Spaces

Building a culture of trust and empowerment requires creating an atmosphere w

here team members feel safe to share their thoughts and ideas. To establish safe spaces within your organization, you must implement open-door policies, ensuring your door is always open for discussions.

Also, encourage anonymous feedback channels, such as suggestion boxes or online platforms, to allow team members to express concerns or share ideas anonymously.

Lastly, conduct regular check-ins, one-on-one and in team settings, where you actively seek input and feedback without judgment.

When your team members feel safe expressing themselves, they are more likely to communicate openly and honestly.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions encourage meaningful conversations and deeper insights. These types of questions cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” and they invite team members to provide more detailed responses. For instance, instead of asking, “Did the project go well?” ask, “What challenges did you face during the project, and what strategies did you use to overcome them?” Instead of asking, “Are you satisfied with your role?” ask, “Can you describe the aspects of your role that you find most fulfilling and any areas where you’d like to see changes?”

Open-ended questions promote discussions that lead to a better understanding of your team’s thoughts, concerns, and aspirations.

Demonstrate Empathy

Empathy is a crucial element of effective listening. It involves hearing what team members are saying and understanding their emotions and perspectives. Therefore, to practice empathy, put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to see the situation from their viewpoint. Show that you understand their feelings and concerns using phrases like “I can see how that would be frustrating” or “I appreciate your perspective on this.” Most importantly, avoid rushing to judgment or dismissing someone’s feelings, even if you disagree.

Empathy demonstrates that you care about your team’s well-being and helps build trust and rapport.

Act on Feedback

Listening is only the beginning; taking action based on what you hear is equally vital. When you receive feedback or suggestions from your team, acknowledge the feedback, even if it’s critical or challenging to hear. Secondly, communicate your plans for addressing the feedback or explain why particular suggestions may not be implemented. And finally, follow through on promises and commitments made in response to feedback.

By demonstrating that you value and act on the input you receive, you build credibility and trust within your team.

Now, let’s explore strategies for building a culture of trust and empowerment.

Delegate Responsibility

Empower your team members by entrusting them with responsibilities and decision-making authority within their areas of expertise. This allows them to take ownership of their work and demonstrates your confidence in their abilities. Ensure you provide clear guidelines and support when needed, but avoid micromanaging.

Celebrate Achievements

Recognition is a powerful motivator. Celebrate both individual and team accomplishments openly and consistently. Whether meeting a project deadline, exceeding a sales target, or achieving a personal milestone, acknowledging and celebrating these achievements reinforces the idea that hard work and contributions are valued and recognized.

Provide Growth Opportunities

Invest in your team’s professional development by offering training, mentorship programs, and opportunities for advancement within the organization. When team members see that you are committed to helping them grow and reach their career goals, they are more likely to feel empowered and engaged.

Encourage Collaboration

Foster a collaborative work environment where team members are encouraged to share knowledge, ideas, and skills. Provide platforms and spaces for cross-functional collaboration and encourage interdisciplinary teams to collaborate on projects. The partnership enhances productivity and allows team members to learn from one another and leverage their collective expertise.

Demonstrate Transparency

Transparency is a cornerstone of trust. Keep your team members informed about the organization’s goals, challenges, and decisions. Share both successes and setbacks openly and honestly. When team members understand the bigger picture and the rationale behind decisions, they are more likely to trust leadership and feel empowered to contribute to the organization’s success.

About Our Guest, Kyle Gillette

Kyle Gillette is a mindset and leadership coach to business owners who are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and stuck. He helps his clients (B)e Self-Aware Leaders, (L)ead with Accountability, (U)se a Growth Mindset, and (E)mpower Others. Ultimately, Kyle’s goal is to help his clients Be More, Do More, Have More, and Give More. He has multiple coaching and behavioral assessment certifications including DISC, ICF, John Maxwell Team, and NLP. He’s a podcast host, author, and creator of the B.L.U.E. Shirt

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