Nonprofit MBA Podcast

The Nonprofit MBA Podcast & articles are for Executive Directors, Board Members, and Staff and aim to help you build your nonprofits better. We bring on the best guests who provide incredible free advice and experience on fundraising, grants writing, funding, operations, donor retention, training, and operations.

How to Build a Nonprofit Culture of Fundraising and Philanthropy. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 2.13

Summary: In today’s podcast, Stephen Halasnik and Laurie Herrick discuss key factors that impact building a nonprofit culture of philanthropy. Major points discussed include taking a deeper look within your […]


Goal Setting and Excellent Execution for Nonprofits. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 2.12

Summary: In any nonprofit organization, it is important to stay focused and working toward a specific goal. You must analyze your organization’s situation to understand what objectives and goals require […]

nonprofit grants from foundations

How do Foundations Approve Nonprofit Grants? Nonprofit MBA Podcast 2.11

Summary: Understanding what foundations look at when approving grants for nonprofits before you apply can give you an inside advantage. Each organization has its own decision-making models, so tailor your […]

Nonprofit board

State of Nonprofit Board Chairs: Preparing, Selecting, Supporting. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 2.10

Summary: There is no doubt that serving as a committee chair comes with significant board leadership and decision-making tasks. However, it is not just a chairperson’s responsibility to use their […]

nonprofit strategic partnerships

Strategic Partnerships So Your Nonprofit Can Survive. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 2.9

Summary: Strategic partnerships are used in the for-profit world quite often. However, strategic partnerships can also be used in the non-profit and social service sectors as well. These partnerships can […]