Category: Nonprofit Financing, Finance, Fundraising, Grants & Loans for Nonprofits Articles & Information

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Building a Process to Raise Major Gifts for Nonprofits With Julie Ordonez. Nonprofit MBA 7.15

Building a strong process for raising major gifts involves strategic planning, personalized donor engagement, and ongoing stewardship. By understanding the importance of major gifts and implementing the right steps, your […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

How to Now Creatively Engage Donors to Offset the Changes in Corporate Giving With Carmen James Randolph. Nonprofit MBA 7.13

Although changes in corporate giving may present challenges, they also offer opportunities for non-profit organizations to come up with new and innovative ideas to engage donors. To ensure the long-term […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

What Your Organization Should Do About Accounting With Sean Hale. Nonprofit MBA 7.12

It is common knowledge that effective accounting practices are essential for the success and sustainability of your nonprofit organization. By adopting these key steps, you can help ensure that your […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Leadership in a Legacy Program for Nonprofits with Ligia Pena. Nonprofit MBA 7.10

Like in any organization, leadership is essential for the success of nonprofit legacy programs. Effective leaders not only shape the organization’s future but also engage donors and inspire them to […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

How The Rosendin Foundation Decided to Award Grants With Jolsna Thomas. Nonprofit MBA 7.6

Like every charitable foundation that awards grants, the Rosendin Foundation has its criteria for awarding grants to nonprofit organizations. However, the process is a thoughtful and deliberate one for the […]