Category: Nonprofit Tools, Tips & Financial News Articles & Information

nonprofit taxes

When are Nonprofit Taxes Due?

There are many perks to operating a nonprofit organization, one of which is being exempt from federal income taxes according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) subsection 501(c). The tax […]

Executive director salary

How Much Does the Executive Director of a Nonprofit Make

There is constant discussion of what factors should be considered when determining a nonprofit executive director’s salary. As of June 2020, the average salary of a nonprofit executive is just […]

Can Nonprofit Organizations Lobby

Can Nonprofit Organizations Lobby?

As a nonprofit organization, the goals of the nonprofit may come in conflict with politics and legislation. As stated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), lobbying is only allowed for […]

video emails

How Video Email Is Driving 300% Increase in Nonprofit Giving: Nonprofit MBA Podcast 2.4

Summary: Bonjoro is an excellent fit for nonprofits because it is more personal and the more personal your organization can get the more closely your donors can see your cause. […]

Grants for nonprofits

Insider Advice – Winning Grants For Nonprofits: Nonprofit MBA Podcast 2.3

Summary: Foundations are required by law to distribute at least 5% of their funds each year, including nonprofit business grants, yet many smaller nonprofits do not submit grant applications. With […]