Category: Nonprofit Accounting, Budgeting, Forecasting & Financial Reporting Articles & Information

nonprofit money bank

How Much Money Should a Nonprofit Have In the Bank?

How much money a nonprofit can have in the bank doesn’t affect its 501c3 tax-exempt status. What’s crucial and possibly puts the organization at risk is how the nonprofit makes […]

Nonprofit Executive Leadership

11 Attributes of Nonprofit Executive Leadership Excellence

Executive leadership at Nonprofit organizations can be very rewarding because it provides hope for and awareness of your passion. However, a Nonprofit to be successful, a nonprofit executive needs to […]


Great Solutions for a Nonprofit Budget Deficit

Nothing scares an executive more than seeing a nonprofit budget deficit. You could be doing everything right. However, there could be hiccups in cash flow, an unexpected expense, or a […]


Working Capital Loans in Virginia

There are many business owners who might be looking for working capital loans in Virginia but what you really want is a business line of credit. A line of credit […]


How Your Nonprofit Financial Statements Can Get Help from a Line of Credit

In the nonprofit world, there are many things that are out of your control. You can’t help it if lousy weather affects attendance at an event or an economic downturn […]