Category: Nonprofit Financing, Finance, Fundraising, Grants & Loans for Nonprofits Articles & Information

Paycheck Protection Program

Can Businesses and Nonprofits Apply for Paycheck Protection Program 2

Update: As of 6/1/2021. The Payroll Protection Program for nonprofits and businesses is now closed. Unfortunately, the government only provides loans through the SBA to for-profit businesses but not SBA […]

nonprofit capital campaign

Taking the First Step for a Capital Campaign in 2021

The term “capital campaign” was originally associated with brick-and-mortar efforts, such as fundraising for buildings and facilities. However, capital campaigns are actually organized fundraising efforts designed to help nonprofits achieve […]

Nonprofit business partnership

How to Attract Nonprofit Corporate Donors and Sponsors

For nonprofit organizations, there are several different types of donors to tap into for financial support. Corporate donors are one donor demographic that can bring more effectiveness to a fundraising […]

year end fundraising

Last-Minute Year-End Fundraising Tips For Nonprofits

The end of the year is a great time to help your nonprofit meet its financial goals.  Nearly 1/3rd of total giving occurs in the month of December.  Moreover, 12% […]

givingtuesday nonprofit

8 Tips for Your #GivingTuesday Campaign

Giving Tuesday is a global movement to create an international day of charitable giving.  It was started in 2012 and has grown into a global movement that has inspired millions […]