Nonprofit MBA Podcast

The Nonprofit MBA Podcast & articles are for Executive Directors, Board Members, and Staff and aim to help you build your nonprofits better. We bring on the best guests who provide incredible free advice and experience on fundraising, grants writing, funding, operations, donor retention, training, and operations.

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

How A Small Nonprofit Positions for the Future. Nonprofit MBA 5.9

In today’s podcast, Mark Rothman, Matt Harms, Jen Tomo from Walk With Sally, and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions discuss how small nonprofits can position themselves for the future. Well-positioned […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Keys to Participatory Nonprofit Strategic Planning. Nonprofit MBA 5.8

Regardless of your nonprofit’s size and mission, you need a plan to define where you want your organization to be in the years ahead as well as the actions you […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

How to Scale a Nonprofit Program. Nonprofit MBA 5.7

To increase impact, nonprofits should scale up by seeking innovative ways to expand their program to reach larger populations. The scaling process involves identifying a gap that needs to be […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Email Marketing and Design Best Practices for Nonprofits. Nonprofit MBA 5.6

In today’s podcast, Roland Pokornik from and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions, a leading provider of unsecured business lines of credit, discuss how nonprofits can use email marketing and […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

SEO for Nonprofits: How to Get Free Advertising. Nonprofit MBA 5.5

SEO has undoubtedly proved to be an excellent tool for business brand-building and publicity. Still, despite its promising capabilities, some nonprofit leaders do not know how to effectively leverage this […]