Nonprofit MBA Podcast

The Nonprofit MBA Podcast & articles are for Executive Directors, Board Members, and Staff and aim to help you build your nonprofits better. We bring on the best guests who provide incredible free advice and experience on fundraising, grants writing, funding, operations, donor retention, training, and operations.

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

How to Use Storytelling to Raise More Money. Nonprofit MBA podcast 4.4

Summary: in today’s podcast, Lori L. Jacobwith from Ignited Fundraising and Stephen Halasnik discuss how to use storytelling to maximize nonprofit funding. Organizations that have mastered the art of storytelling […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Cryptocurrency and Philanthropy for Nonprofits. Nonprofit MBA podcast 4.3

Summary: In today’s podcast Pat Duffy From The Giving Block and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions discuss how cryptocurrency adoption by many nonprofits has dramatically turned the tide of nonprofit […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

The Power of Video for Nonprofits. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 4.2

Summary: In today’s podcast, Adam Stielstra from The Lion Project and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions discuss the invaluable benefits of using videos for nonprofits. These solutions are helping owners […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 4.1

Summary: In today’s podcast, Simon Scriber from Fundraising Everywhere & Everywhere+ and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions discuss virtual fundraising trends for nonprofits. These creative solutions are helping nonprofits to […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Recalibrating Fundraising Events Now, Regardless of What the Future Brings. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 3.39.

Summary: In today’s podcast, Chad Barger from Productive Fundraising and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solution discuss the benefits of leveraging virtual platforms in organizing fundraising events for nonprofits. This solution […]