Nonprofit MBA Podcast

The Nonprofit MBA Podcast & articles are for Executive Directors, Board Members, and Staff and aim to help you build your nonprofits better. We bring on the best guests who provide incredible free advice and experience on fundraising, grants writing, funding, operations, donor retention, training, and operations.

Unleashing the Power of Your Board For Fundraising With Wendy Steele. Nonprofit MBA 9.6

Your board of directors can be an invaluable asset to your nonprofit’s fundraising efforts. By establishing clear expectations, identifying areas of strength, and providing necessary training, your board can become […]


Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Sustainer Program- Improve Donor Retention By 80% In the First Year With Stephen King. Nonprofit MBA 9.5

Sustaining your organization’s mission requires a strategic approach to fundraising, especially in an increasingly competitive nonprofit world. Hence, implementing a sustainer program is a decisive step toward financial stability, long-term […]


Fraud Prevention in a Nonprofit: You Don’t Know You Need It with Stephen King. Nonprofit MBA 9.4

Fraud prevention might not be the first thing on a nonprofit’s mind when striving to make a positive impact, but its importance cannot be overstated. Protecting the organization’s resources, reputation, […]


Strategic Planning For Nonprofit Founders with Andrena Sawyer. Nonprofit MBA 9.3

As a nonprofit founder, strategic planning is your compass in the often complex and dynamic world of nonprofit work. It provides you with the tools to navigate challenges, allocate resources […]


Nonprofit Board Relations: a Fool-Proof Strategy for Good Governance from Brad Ward. Nonprofit MBA 9.2

In nonprofit governance, effective board relations are instrumental in ensuring the organization’s longevity, impact, and sustainability. By following this fool-proof strategy encompassing transparent communication, role clarification, diversity, education, engagement, strategic […]