Nonprofit MBA Podcast

The Nonprofit MBA Podcast & articles are for Executive Directors, Board Members, and Staff and aim to help you build your nonprofits better. We bring on the best guests who provide incredible free advice and experience on fundraising, grants writing, funding, operations, donor retention, training, and operations.

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Power Prospecting for Fundraising for Major Gifts & Donors. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 3.33

Summary: In today’s podcast episode, Jay Frost from Frost On Fundraising and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions discuss how to manage relationships with potential prospects for fundraising. These solutions are […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

The Role of Corporate Sponsorship in a Nonprofit’s Marketing and Revenue Mix. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 3.32

Summary: In today’s Nonprofit MBA podcast guest, Ken Ungar from CHARGE speaks with Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions about the role of corporate sponsorship in a nonprofit’s marketing and revenue […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Top 10 Federal Grant Writing Mistakes. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 3.31

Summary: In today’s Podcast episode, Diane Leonard from DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services, LLC and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions discusses the top ten mistakes that nonprofit organizations […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Nonprofits and Cyberattacks: You’re Very Vulnerable. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 3.30

Summary: In today’s podcast episode, Rob Shavell from DeleteMe and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions discuss potential cyber security threats that nonprofits encounter. These solutions are helping nonprofits be more […]

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Why Diversity and Inclusion are Important for Nonprofit Leaders & Management. Nonprofit MBA Podcast 3.30

Summary: In today’s Nonprofit MBA podcast guest, Veronica Farris From Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY) of America speaks with Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions about why diversity and […]